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restart ohio

  View the fact sheet regarding "Responsible Restart Ohio" protocols for manufacturing, retail, and general office.



StaySafe Dayton - Online PPE Store

If you're looking for PPE, signage and other supplies necessary to reopen responsibly, The Dayton Area Chamber of Commerce is here to help. In partnership with Miamisburg-based chamber member epluno, the Chamber has launched StaySafe Dayton, an online PPE and supply store.
Open to all, but chamber members get preferred pricing and exclusive access to hard-to-find items.

StaySafe Dayton

Resources for Non-Profits

Charitable Ohio

Video Resources

Marketing Strategies COVID-19 Recovery

Destination Dayton presented its COVID-19 recovery marketing strategies to the area's hospitality partners.

Ohio Travel Association - Recovery

Melinda Huntley, Executive Director - Ohio Travel Association reviews the integral role Ohio's travel/hospitality industry will play in future successes.

WGI Update & Site Source

The Dayton CVB welcomed WGI back for our April 2021 webinar on updates for their 2021 virtual season and plans for 2022. Site source also joined with some tips and tricks about submitting RFP's. 

COVID-19 Resources

Visitor health and safety is a top priority throughout the Dayton/Montgomery County area and our thoughts are with those affected by the global COVID-19 pandemic.  While Dayton remains open for business, we respect our visitors’ decision to travel based on their level of comfort.  There are currently no advisories or restrictions on travel to Dayton/Montgomery County or to/from Ohio.
Destination Dayton has compiled a list of restaurants offering delivery and carry-out. 
The Dayton CVB staff is here to answer your questions by phone, 1-800-221-8235, or email through our staff directory.

Stay Informed

Public Health - Dayton & Montgomery County has the latest information regarding COVID-19.  

Updated PHDMC

Request Volunteers

Other Health Resources

CDC Travel



Travel Industry Resources

US Travel

Business Resources

Downtown Dayton Partnership


Ohio Manufacturing Alliance


Ohio Minority Micro-Enterprise Grant Program

The $5 million program will provide grants to help businesses owned and operated by minorities and women in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.


Eligible businesses can apply for grants of $10,000 per business on a first-come, first-served basis. This will provide access to much needed capital for up to 500 minority- and women-owned businesses to continue operating now and to prepare for the future.


State-certified Minority Business Enterprises (MBE) and/or women-owned businesses with state certification in the Encouraging Diversity Growth and Equity (EDGE) Program with up to $500,000 in annual revenue and 10 or fewer employees are eligible. Businesses that have received federal assistance through the federal CARES Act are not eligible.


Jobs, Small Business Loans & Unemployment Benefits

Unemployment Benefits

Leading Age

Wireless Internet at The Job Center
Montgomery County has installed wireless internet in the parking lot of The Job Center, for anyone who needs to access benefits like unemployment, food assistance, or cash assistance.  If you don’t have internet at home, bring your phone, laptop or tablet to the parking lot outside the “Job Services” door at 1111 S. Edwin C. Moses Blvd., and connect to the “JFS_Public” network for access.

You can apply for unemployment at unemployment.ohio.gov.

For Medicaid, Food Assistance, and Temporary Cash Assistance, visit ssp.benefits.ohio.gov.

Utilities Information


AES Ohio

AES Ohio has suspended disconnection for nonpayment until further notice or a minimum of 30 days.  AES Ohio has published a new web page for up-to-date information.




Vectren, A CenterPoint Energy Company

Effective immediately, Vectren, A CenterPoint Energy Company, is temporarily suspending disconnections of natural gas service for nonpayment.  Visit this web page.

Community Resources

The Dayton Foundation and the United Way of the Greater Dayton Area, along with a coalition of philanthropic, government and other individual partners, have joined together to establish the COVID-19 Response Fund for Greater Dayton. Individuals, businesses, foundations and organizations may make charitable contributions to the fund, which will help provide flexible resources to nonprofits that are at the frontlines of the COVID-19 response.